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About Us


The Dutch Reformed Translation Society sponsors since 1993 translations into English and facilitates the publication and dissemination of historically important Dutch Reformed theological and religious literature originally published in the 16th – 20th century.


The members of the society believe that the Dutch Reformed tradition has produced works that deserve wider distribution than the limited accessibility of the Dutch language makes possible.  The writings selected are recognized theological classics, such as the final edition of Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics, 4 vols., and Petrus Van Mastricht’s Theoretico-practica theologia.  Or, they represent a tradition like the piety of the Further Reformation (Nadere Reformatie).  Or, they are surveys and interpretations of Dutch Reformed contributions toward understanding the Christian faith, such as Abraham Kuyper's, Honey from the Rock. All the selections reflect the spiritual and theological genius of this tradition for its heirs as well as for Christians of other backgrounds.


The society’s ultimate goal is to spread the Reformed faith, and so to strengthen and extend the church of Christ.


The society’s membership consists of  pastors, church members, students, and theological professors who are committed to the Dutch Reformed tradition in its historic,  confessional and theological form.  They are committed to the Bible as God's Word.  They honor and subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort).


Membership includes people from  denominations globally that share the Dutch Reformed commitment, as well as others.


The society is a 501(c)3, tax-exempt charity incorporated in the State of Michigan. 

Board Directors

The society's board of directors selects translation projects, makes all publication arrangements, procures necessary funding, sets policy, keeps members informed, and is responsible for all other society matters.


Directors serve three-year terms and are eligible for re-election.  The board elects its own officers and appoints editors who oversee society projects. They serve pro bono.


Society membership is open to anyone who shares its vision and chooses to join.


Interested persons can join by making a minimum, tax-deductible contribution of $100 to The Dutch Reformed Translation Society for the support of its work. This lifetime membership gift entitles the person to receive periodic reports (usually annually) and qualifies one to receive a 50% discount on all society titles.  Society members are eligible to serve on the board of directors. 


“Patron Membership” is granted to those making a one-time or cumulative membership contribution of $1,000 or more. Patron members automatically receive society publications and often agree to subsidize future projects when funding for them becomes necessary.


Society members are encouraged to nominate prospective directors and to suggest titles worthy of translation


Member discounts on orders are available through Reformation Heritage Books


Contact Us

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 P. O . B o x 7 0 8 3   Grand Rapids, MI49510

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